
This Is What You Need to Know About Travel Insurance

Travel, by its very nature, has uncertainty built into it. Travel insurance offers a safety net to cover any financial risks that may occur due to travel. Here are the important things to know about travel insurance.  What it covers: It all depends on the policy you buy. A travel medical plan will cover payment of medical expenses in case you need care that’s not covered by your usual health…
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Tips For Financing Home Improvements

Maintaining a house is not easy; it is both costly and physically demanding. You need to hire the right people for the job, else it will lead to more repairs. Sometimes you may need financial help for your home improvement projects. Personal and Home Equity Loans are beneficial and can efficiently pay for your home improvement projects, but if you borrow more than what you can pay, you might end…
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4 Great Reasons To Use A Home Equity Loan

As a homeowner, one of the greatest financial tools at your disposal is your home equity. You can leverage your home equity for a loan that can be used to pay for anything from a major home renovation to your credit card bills. However, home equity loans are not without risk. If you default on loan repayments, you risk foreclosure of your home. Despite this risk, home equity loans have remained a…
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Are You Withholding the Correct Amount of Tax from Your Paycheck?

Employers usually withhold a certain amount of tax from your paycheck, based on the instruction in your W4 form, and pay it to the government on your behalf. Now, based on your withholding, you may either receive a tax refund or have to pay a tax bill. Either of these scenarios is not great.  Receiving a big tax refund would mean your money was kept away for a whole year while it could have been…
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Private Banking Isn't Just For Millionaires Anymore!

Wealthy individuals usually have private bankers that offer services regular banks don’t offer to their customers. However, with changes in the financial industry and technology making most things accessible to everyone, a vast majority of us can get access to services that are offered by private bankers. What Services Do Private Bankers Offer? The services offered by private bankers…
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Should You Use a Home Equity Loan or Personal Loan to Renovate Your Home?

Whether you are renovating a house that you just moved into or one that you’ve lived in for many years, home renovations are not inexpensive. Given this, you may not want to charge your home renovation expenses to your credit card. What you should do, if you don’t have the capital ready, is take a personal loan or a home equity loan. What Is A Home Equity Loan? When you take a home…
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How To Buy Your First Stocks Or Funds

While investing in the stock market may seem complicated, it is an important component that can help you achieve financial independence. The best part about investing in stocks or funds is that you can benefit from the power of compounding interest, which means the sooner you start investing, the more you stand to make. Let’s take a look at the steps that you’ll need to follow to buy…
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6 Bills That Don't Affect Your Credit Score

One of the best ways to keep your credit score healthy is by paying your bills on time. That said, it is important to know that most bills payments you make every month have no direct impact on your credit score. For a payment to either positively or negatively impact your credit score, it has to be reported to the credit bureaus, namely Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. And, most companies to…
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Fun Facts About Credit Cards

If you are like most people, you swipe your credit card multiple times a day, without really knowing much about the rectangular plastic card that you keep in your wallet. Let’s take a look at some surprising facts about your credit card: Valid Credit Card Numbers Follow The Luhn Algorithm All valid credit cards follow the Luhn algorithm, which means if you double every second digit…
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What You Should Know About Mortgage Insurance

If you’ve approached a lender for a mortgage, you may have been told you need mortgage insurance if you aren’t making a 20% down payment. What is mortgage insurance and is it mandatory? Here’s what you need to know. What Is Mortgage Insurance? Mortgage insurance is a type of insurance cover that financially protects the lender if the home loan borrower defaults on their…
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