Many of you are looking for a medical alert system and want to know more about wearing one. If you buy something uncomfortable or bulky, you’ll likely find it irritating and won’t want to wear it all the time. However, if you’re not wearing it, it isn’t of any use. That is why, considering all the options available is crucial. It is also important to consider alert jewelry such as a medical ID bracelet that doesn’t only have a button that notifies someone about an emergency, but also provides them with vital information if something were to happen to you.
Medical Alert Buttons
If you’re looking for jewelry that comes with a medical alert button with which you can call for help, there are a few options available that are important to consider. Such types of medical alert jewelry are usually included in the cost of an entire system, so you don’t have to panic about purchasing anything extra. Not only that, but the monitoring service on the other end is also part of the overall package.
Pendants: Pendants are probably the first type of jewelry you’re going to find when looking at medical alert options. This is a button that you wear on a lanyard and tie around your neck. The ‘charm’ of the pendant is a small button that you can easily press if and when you find yourself in an emergency. Most pendants come with a standard alert system that is tied to a base unit. This means that you need to be within 600-1500 feet of the base for the button to work.
Wristbands: Similar to the pendant, you wear the wristband around your wrist. It may resemble bracelets made of rubber, plastic, silicone or any other material. The band features a small button that can easily be pressed in case of any kind of emergency. Its range is around 600–1500 feet.
Medical Alert Notification
If you need people to know certain things about you in case of an emergency, you may want to consider medical alert notification jewelry. This jewelry can help you convey important information in an emergency. If you are unable to tell people around you about your condition, they will still know what they need to do because of the jewelry you’re wearing.
Bracelets: Medical alert bracelets and medical ID bracelets are one of the most common forms of medical alert jewelry available out there. These bracelets come in various styles, colors, and patterns hence making them versatile. What that means is that you’ll have absolutely no problem finding something that you’ll actually like to wear. It can be just as flashy as you want it to be.
They feature a standard medical alert symbol to make it known that there is important information on the bracelet. You can have an allergy list or information about specific health conditions such as heart problems engraved. They are listed concisely as the bracelet is small and the information needs to be relayed very quickly during any medical emergency where you are unable to talk for any reason.
Keychains: Keychains have become another way of wearing a medical alert notification. Discreet and small, they can still be very effective because the keychains generally only show the medical alert symbol. This immediately alerts medical professionals to an allergy or medical condition.
Medical alert jewelry will make it easier for you to enjoy your life fearlessly. It doesn’t matter whether you get a basic system that allows you to access agents from your home or a system that lets you travel and reach emergency services. Even if you’re not afraid of emergencies, it’s better to be safe than sorry.